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Tooth Removal

Tooth Removal

Pulling a tooth out is not something preferable for anyone but in some cases, pulling a tooth out is a necessary thing not to go through severe health consequences.

So what is a tooth removal?

When is it necessary ?

how is it done? I

s tooth removal painful?

Lots of questions come to patients' minds before a tooth removal operation and this article will answer all of these questions.

First of all, having a tooth pulled in adulthood is a necessary thing and there are several reasons why to go through a tooth removal even for permanent teeth. A tooth might be damaged by decay, or might be broken during an accident and there are also other reasons such as:
Crowded mouth: sometimes the dentists or the dental team pull a tooth or a couple of teeth to prepare the mouth and other teeth for orthodontia. Orthodontia helps patients to align the teeth perfectly in their natural way next to each other. And in order to have the perfect results, the dentist sometimes needs to pull a tooth or a couple to make room for other teeth.


Infections and Decay:
In some cases of severe decay or any other infection, the germs and infection reach to the nerve in the pulp. In such cases the dentist or the dental team see that it is better to remove and pull the tooth rather than heal it because if the decay or infection has reached the blood vessel, then healing it might be impossible.


Gum diseases:  if the tissue and gums surrounding the teeth are damaged by germs, decay, or any other gum disease then the dentist or the dental team might suggest to pull out the teeth and then heal the tissue because once the infection reaches the blood vessel things can be seriously bad.


What is the process? What to expect during a tooth removal operation? 

After the dentist decides that you must remove your tooth, he will take an X-ray of the tooth and the dentist must explain to you more about what to expect during the operation if you have any infection or weak immune system. You also need to tell your dentist about any medical condition, liver disease, diabetes, hypertension, or any other disease that might cause you any side effects.

Before starting to pull out your tooth, the dentist will inject your gum with a local anesthetic and some times may use more concentrated anesthetic to prevent any painful feelings. Then, your dentist will pull out the tooth easily. If the tooth is cut a dash your dentist will cut a little of your gum and tissue bone that surround the tooth and grap what is left from the tooth using forceps. Despite the cutting and removing, you will not feel any pain because of the local anesthetic injected under your tooth.
You need to know that there are two types of tooth removals: Simple Extraction which requires a local anesthetic only and doesn’t need much of a time, and Surgical Extraction which requires a heavy anesthetic. Choosing the type is a job for the dentist.


How much time does tooth removal need to recover?


Usually, it takes a few days to recover from a tooth removal but there are a couple of things you should take in consideration that help you recover fast:
- Put an icepack on your cheek a couple of times during the day for ten minutes each.
- Try to relax as much as you can .
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after the surgery.
- Do not brush your teeth hard, only nice and gently.
- Do not use a straw when drinking for the next 48 hours.
Still, there are more things to take in consideration to help you recover faster and you can learn them from your dentist or dental team.


How much does a tooth removal cost?


Well, it depends whether its a simple extraction or a surgical extraction. Also it may cost more if the tooth is impacted.
The costs in general also differs from a country to another and it might differ inside the country because you can’t put a specific price for that since each tooth has a different case but thankfully, health insurance covers the teeth removals.


Always remember to consult your dentist and tell him about all of your medical history or any disease you have, because everything you say actually matters when it comes to teeth removals